Learn about the Orthodox Faith

The primary place to learn about the Orthodox Faith is your local parish. If you have not yet visited your local church or spoken with the priest there, please do so in addition to seeking out books or online resources. It is true that when we join the Orthodox Church, we become part of a global reality, but we must first strive to live within our parish communities and adhere to Orthodox teachings and practices on a local level.

Even a short time ago, it was difficult to find resources that taught about the Orthodox Faith. In the last few years, however, there has been a vast influx of available materials. With more and more books, podcasts, YouTube channels, and people claiming to speak on behalf of the Church, it can be confusing to discern who accurately represents Church teaching.

Although the following list is not exhaustive, it is a great place to get started.


YouTube Videos

Check out this playlist of videos recommended by Fr. Bryce!

Fr. Thomas Hopko
Speaking the Truth in Love

Fr. Thomas Hopko
Worship in Spirit and Truth

Dr. Eugenia Constantinou
Search the Scriptures

Dr. Albert Rossi
Becoming a Healing Presence

Fr. Evan Armatas
Orthodoxy Live

Dr. Nicole Roccas
Time Eternal

Fr. Gregory & Fr. Bryce
Church Coffee Pod (Apple) (Google)



The Orthodox Study Bible

The Holy Scriptures of the Orthodox Church. The Old Testament is based on the ancient Greek text of the Septuagint. Orthodox commentary both modern and patristic is included.

Met. Kallistos Ware
The Orthodox Way

An introduction to the spiritual practice and daily life of the Orthodox Christian.

Met. Kallistos Ware
The Orthodox Church

An introduction to the history of the Orthodox Church.

Met. Anthony Bloom
Beginning to Pray

The best introductory text on the Orthodox life of prayer.

Frederica Mathewes-Greene
At the Corner of East and Now

A look at a typical Divine Liturgy in a little parish in Baltimore, interspersed with reflections on the liturgy and the Orthodox faith.

Sister Vassa Larin
Praying in Time

A short and extremely practical guide to having a life of prayer while living in the world.

Kyriacos Markides
The Mountain of Silence

A memoir by an Orthodox Christian seeking the mystical roots of his faith in encounters with an Athonite monk.

Fr. Alexander Schmemann
Celebration of Faith, Vol. III: The Virgin Mary

A look at the Orthodox teaching and veneration around the first and foremost of Saints through the lens of the Church feast days.

Fr. Alexander Schmemann
For the Life of the World

The most theologically dense book on this list. A great first read for digging into the theology of the Orthodox Church.

Dr. Eugenia Constantinou
Thinking Orthodox

The longest book on this list. Dr. Constantinou investigates just how different the Orthodox mindset is from the Western mindset.